
Neglect is another form of child maltreatment, and the harm it causes to the child is disastrous. In child neglect, the child suffers a lot because they are at the mercy of people who do not satisfy their minimum physical or emotional needs. Neglect is the most common type of all child maltreatments, and they are all very harmful, ending up destroying the child’s present and future life. 

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When a child feels that their parents show favoritism for one sibling over the other, the child grows up with a feeling that they are rejected and unloved by their parents. This will result in jealousy and resentment towards their parents and siblings. 

Sometimes we wonder why there are dysfunctional families and why there are siblings and parents who fight so much, that they seem to hate each other. As a result, when they become adults, they move away not only from their siblings but from their own parents.

Emotional abuse is another form of cruelty against children. Instead of making the child feel happy, with good self-esteem, safe, loved, understood, supported, and protected, emotionally abusive parents or caregivers harm the child’s self-worth and emotional well-being, becoming a constant threat to their mental and emotional health. 

Physical abuse is one of the most despicable acts of cruelty against children. Instead of giving them love, protection, and understanding, physically abusive parents or caregivers cause them suffering, inflict injuries, and even cause death.  

There is no possible justification for inflicting such harm on any child. It is extremely shameful because a child is the most precious thing a parent could have, and if a parent is not capable of defending, caring for, protecting, and loving their child, and instead abuses them, who cannot defend themselves due to their young age and innocence, then the parents and caregivers are cowards. Their actions are despicable and reprehensible, and cannot be allowed by society. 

Shaken Baby Syndrome is a life-threatening, abusive head injury caused by violent shaking of a baby, resulting in brain, retinal, hearing injury, mental and physical disabilities, and even death.  

Shaken Baby Syndrome occurs mostly due to parental exhaustion, lack of sleep, stress, frustration, substance abuse, alcohol, and teenage parenting. 

What to do when your baby does not stop crying and you feel frustrated, irritated, or have reached your limit:…

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